117th Rosslyn has 2 primary fundraising sources. We require your participation in these fundraising events for the program to be successful for all our youth.
What do these funds pay for?
Rental of Scott Robertson School Gym, camp fees including food, camp supplies, maintenance, activity fees and craft supplies.
The Scout and Venturer Sections may choose to do additional fundraising in support of events such as the Canadian Jamboree, AdVenture and the other out of province/country camps.
- Scout Popcorn Drive - Fall 2021
- Casino 2022
- Scout Coffee - Fall 2021
What do these funds pay for?
Rental of Scott Robertson School Gym, camp fees including food, camp supplies, maintenance, activity fees and craft supplies.
The Scout and Venturer Sections may choose to do additional fundraising in support of events such as the Canadian Jamboree, AdVenture and the other out of province/country camps.